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Let's go for a (historical) walk around Guthrie!

Updated: Apr 22, 2020

Looking for some fresh air and exercise, with a little history thrown in? Downtown Guthrie is rich with historical markers giving fascinating details about buildings, people, and events.

If you'd like to experience this adventure virtually, here's a great story map that let's you travel from stop to stop, courtesy of Darren Johnson at Woolpert AEG:

Click here for a better view of the Walking Tour Story Map.

Here's the Google map version of the walking tour. Each pin has photos/info about that particular historical marker:

You can listen to or download the audio readings of the historical markers here (Thanks to Verla Cline at the Guthrie Tourism office for transcribing):

And here are video accompaniments for each historical marker. (Special thanks to Aaron Ryburn at the City of Guthrie for the video production and Guthrie resident/photographer Bob Bozarth for the use of the historical photos for this project):

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